Monday 21 September 2015

Autumn word sorts and game

It's just a pile of Autumn leaves- or is it? In this pile are many messages both spoken and written.Let's explore!

Take a variety of Autumn leaves and create explorations of sentence structure and creative comparisons! Here is the first blog post... the rest are to follow!

My Autumn leaves pile

Each leaf shape represents a structure within a sentence that our primary language learners are exploring as they develop their ability to speak and write sentences in the target language.

Take a look at what I mean:

My "noun" leaf

My verb leaf:

My adjective leaf:

and for the learners that are now moving on in their ability to form target language sentences here are:

my conjunction and intensifier leaves 
 Now let's go on our first  Autumn Exploration!

Step One 

  • Can the children help you collect words: nouns or adjectives or verbs linked to Autumn and colours or animals associated with Autumn, going for an Autumn walk or harvesting fruit and vegetables?
  • Can the children make the decision as to whether the word they have thought of, remembered or accessed in the bilingual dictionary is a noun, adjective or verb?
  • Ask the children to write out clearly on pieces of paper or card their favourite Autumn words that they have remembred or investigated.
  • Attach the leaf symbols too the top of the class board.Now ask the children to help you place the nouns under the noun leaf on the white board, the adjectves under the adjective leaf and the verbs under the  verb leaf.

Step Two 

  • Collect together the cards or write out the words onto cardsthat the class has found -you could ask the children to do this for you.
  • Place the written word cards in a pile on the floor or the table. 
  • Play a sorting game .
  • Can the children help you sort the nouns, adjectives and verbs in to three piles?
  • Now you are ready as a class to play the Autumn Word Game (see below)

A Possible Step Three

With more advanced learners you coud take the activity one step further and add conjunctions and adverbs too!

The Autumn Word table game 
  • Children to play the game as a table game.
  • Object of the game to win as many Autumn words as possible.
  • Ask tables of  four to six children to write out as many of the words as the class has collected on to cards.Give the children a time limit for this.
  • Now give each table a set of Autumn leaves.Each group needs two of each of the noun, adjective , verb autumn leaf cards. 
  • Ask the children to put all the written Autumn word cards face up on the table in a jumbled up order - so not categorised as nouns etc.
  • Autumn leaves cards face down in a pile on the table.
  • Set a time limit for the game!
  • Each player takes it in turns to select an autumn leaf card and then to select a written word card that matches the leaf e.g a noun, adjective or verb.As the game progresses a player may not be able to find a noun or an adjective or a verb written card and will have to pass on his or her go.
  • With more advanced learners challenge the children to see if they can create an Autumn sentence with one of the nouns,verbs and adjectives that they have collected.... 

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